NEW YEAR, NEW FILMS ‘Sex and the City 2’ (2010)

SATC2So, I thoroughly enjoyed ‘Sex and the City’, I managed to sit through ‘Sex and the City: the Movie’, now it was time for me and my boyfriend to attempt the brilliantly and creatively titled ‘Sex and the City 2’. Already we were slightly concerned. I had heard a lot of stories about how atrocious this was, but I was willing to give it a go.

The movie is about a now married Carrie and Big (now called John Preston, which is wrong), arguing about the fact he just wants to sit around like an old man and she wants to go out like she always did. In between this, Samantha gets invited by a man working with Smith Jerrod (cries inwardly thinking about how the last movie ruined them) to Abu Dhabi. All four go and have adventures in a foreign land and learn what they can and cannot do in the strict country.

So, to sum up this film, I said to Ryan ‘there is going to be a joke about Arabia but they’re gonna say A-Labia’, he said ‘Laurence of A-Labia is going to be the joke’…lo and behold half an hour later it happened. While the show had jokes like this, it never relied solely on them. The movie shifted tone from the series and the first film by making it almost slapstick and Adam Sandler funny. Not at all like the show. Also, the movie tried to have a feminist message about how women are treated badly in the Middle East, but it never went anywhere, in fact, considering the 2.5 hour runtime, it had a lot of plots not explored enough. The only one fully resolved was Big and Carrie. Miranda quitting her job is mentioned once more, and Charlotte’s cheating concerns are over in like two minutes. It just felt like a different kind of film. As its own, it would be bad but bearable, but here, it really stands out.

The only consolation is that they didn’t ruin anymore relationships in this one, that is legit the only good thing about this. Not even Liza Minelli could save this. I’m on Kim Cattrall’s side of not making a third one if this is the calibre they’re happy with.

My Rating – 2.5/5 Stars

IMDB Rating – 4.4/10

Rotten Tomatoes Rating – 16%

(Picture Credit to –

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